Sunday, October 11, 2009

Moving Mountains

"No matter how insignificant what you do may seem, it is important that you do it."

"Nothing is more important to instill in our children than the desire to help others"
-Matt Damon


"Every 15 seconds , a child dies because of a lack of water and sanitation!"

"A billion people on our planet will never have a clean drink of water!"

"2.5 billion people in the world do not have toilet facilities!"

I know it has been a while since anything has been posted. But today I read this article (about the children in Africa, Haiti... and other places, that are dying and suffering because of their lack of clean water), and after reading it, I thought I would post this, and try to help out, even if it is just a little.

All it takes to give someone clean water for life is $25!

That alone could save someone's life.

Every contribution will help, if 25 people give 1 dollar, then another person can live.

If we spread this message, we can save hundreds of lives. Water is something that we all take for granted.

Think how many lives would be saved if every person that is able to donated $1 to help give clean water to those that otherwise would never have it!

For more information please go to or

This information was taken from the article entitled "We Can Move Mountains" by Matt Damon, in PARADE in the Deseret News, October 11, 2009.

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